crifan 9年前 (2016-06-22) 2305浏览 0评论
//: Playground – noun: a place where people can play import UIKit extension NSDate { //convert time to Int64 t...
crifan 9年前 (2016-06-22) 2305浏览 0评论
//: Playground – noun: a place where people can play import UIKit extension NSDate { //convert time to Int64 t...
crifan 9年前 (2016-04-27) 5480浏览 0评论
之前通过: //get date formatted string //2015/11/28 10:48:12 func toString(dateFormat:String) -> String { l...
crifan 9年前 (2015-12-13) 3389浏览 0评论
swift nsdate add seconds ios – How to add minutes to current time in swift – Stack Overflow iphone – How do...
crifan 9年前 (2015-12-12) 3537浏览 0评论
有两个NSDate变量,需要判断时间大小: var timestamp:NSDate if newMessage.timestamp > curMessage.timestamp { 搜: swift ns...