[已解决]Swift 代码出错:Use of undeclared type BOOL did you mean to use ObjCBool
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-14) 2557浏览 0评论
[问题] 将OC代码转换为swift期间,代码: func setSelectedIndex(newSelectedIndex:UInt, animated:BOOL) { 出错: Use of undeclared type ̵...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-14) 2557浏览 0评论
[问题] 将OC代码转换为swift期间,代码: func setSelectedIndex(newSelectedIndex:UInt, animated:BOOL) { 出错: Use of undeclared type ̵...
crifan 9年前 (2015-10-14) 1696浏览 0评论
[问题] 将OC代码转换为swift期间,代码: func setSelectedIndex(newSelectedIndex:UInt, animated:BOOL) { 出错: Use of undeclared type ̵...