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【整理】英文单词之字典:lexicon vs dictionary vs vocabulary

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lexicon dictionary

vocabulary – Difference between lexicon and dictionary – English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

What is the difference between a Lexicon and a Dictionary? – Quora


  • lexicon:a list of words that belong to a particular language

    • Sometimes, lexicon is used as another word for thesaurus

  • thesaurus:a dictionary of synonyms (different words and phrases that have the same or similar meaning)

  • dictionary:a list of words and phrases that are (or were) in common usage, together with their definitions

    • so a dictionary is different from a lexicon because a lexicon is a simple list and doesn’t define the words

  • vocabulary:a list of words that an individual knows or uses regularly

    • Vocabulary is different from lexicon because vocabulary is about what an individual or group of people know, whereas lexicon is about the language itself

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