2.2.3. 生成全路径的URL地址:genFullUrl

# generate the full url, which include the main url plus the parameter list
# Note: 
# normally just use urllib.urlencode is OK.
# only use this if you do NOT want urllib.urlencode convert some special chars($,:,{,},...) into %XX
def genFullUrl(mainUrl, paraDict) :
    fullUrl = mainUrl;
    fullUrl += '?';
    for i, para in enumerate(paraDict.keys()) :
        if(i == 0):
            # first para no '&'
            fullUrl += str(para) + '=' + str(paraDict[para]);
        else :
            fullUrl += '&' + str(para) + '=' + str(paraDict[para]);
    return fullUrl;

例 2.7. genFullUrl的使用范例

# Note: here not use urllib.urlencode to encode para, 
#       for the encoded result will convert some special chars($,:,{,},...) into %XX
paraDict = {
    'asyn'          :   '1',
    'thread_id_enc' :   '',
    'start'         :   '',
    'count'         :   '',
    'orderby_type'  :   '0',
paraDict['thread_id_enc'] = str(threadIdEnc);
paraDict['start'] = str(startCmtIdx);
paraDict['count'] = str(reqCmtNum);
paraDict['t'] = str(cmtReqTime);
mainUrl = "http://hi.baidu.com/cmt/spcmt/get_thread";
getCmtUrl = genFullUrl(mainUrl, paraDict);