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FreeCAD: Your own 3D parametric modeler

Feature list – FreeCAD Documentation

Development roadmap – FreeCAD Documentation

Screenshots – FreeCAD Documentation



Development roadmap – FreeCAD Documentation


  • STEP project about improving and advancing the STEP support in FreeCAD

  • Naming project is about implementing a robust Shape referencing frame work.

  • FreeCAD development model project move FreeCAD to a more capable development model

  • Sketcher project is ongoing implementation of the constraint/parametric Sketcher

  • PartDesign project is the effort towards a working part-design in FreeCAD

  • Assembly project creates a assembly module which handle product creation, part-lists and some kinematics.

  • Architecture project will throw the bases of a modern, parametric architectural modeling environment.

  • Units project finally get FreeCAD to recognize different Units and Units-systems.

  • Resource framework project address the user collaboration, PDM catalog/standard part stuff

  • Quality project aims to hide unfinished features and improve the documentation.

  • Raytracing project provide a new generic interface for external renderers for visualisation

  • UTF Project aims to update FreeCAD’s Coin3D interface to utilise UTF Strings for better multilanguage experience with non ASCII characters

  • FEM project provides a FEM module in FreeCAD.

  • Material data model Effort to describe a material data model in FreeCAD

  • Python 3 Porting FreeCAD to Python 3.

FreeCAD: Select your platform

Feature list – FreeCAD Documentation

FreeCAD/FreeCAD: This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler. Issues are managed on our own bug tracker at 


Compiling – FreeCAD Documentation

CompileOnUnix – FreeCAD Documentation

FreeCAD: FreeCAD source documentation

The FreeCAD source code – FreeCAD Documentation

FreeCAD: Modules

FreeCAD Documentation

Getting started – FreeCAD Documentation

Project template – FreeCAD Documentation

Installing – FreeCAD Documentation

Power users hub – FreeCAD Documentation

Developer hub – FreeCAD Documentation



  • freecad

  • 是什么:

  • 免费,开源的3D CAD建模工具

  • 能用来干什么

    • 可以参考各种用法的截图

  • 包含的核心功能:

  • 下载和安装

    • 下载

    • 可执行程序,安装文件

  • 安装

  • 源码

    • 源码仓库

  • 源码实现

    • 主要语言:C++ 和 Python

    • 主要用C++实现,且大量依赖于Python

  • 提供api接口

    • C++实现和提供出api接口

    • 但同时都提供Python接口

  • 源码架构

    • 主要分:

    • App:核心功能

    • Gui:图形界面部分



    FreeCAD/FreeCAD: This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler



    Compiling – FreeCAD Documentation


    CompileOnUnix – FreeCAD Documentation


    FreeCAD: FreeCAD source documentation


    The FreeCAD source code – FreeCAD Documentation



    Power users hub – FreeCAD Documentation


    • 创建自己的模型

    • 创建新的工具和命令

    • 自定义界面(比如 工具栏)

    • 自定义三维模型显示效果

    • 等等


    • 最差的效果

    • 把带freecad的自己的界面和功能,集成进去

    • 自己的系统和freecad的交互

    • 通过api调用功能

    • 支持:Python和C++

  • 最好的效果

    • 把核心功能部分(App部分)移植合并到自己系统

    • 借鉴(裁剪)需要的gui部分到自己系统中

    • -》类似于这样:去掉窗口边框的,包括核心功能和操作菜单的效果

  • -》形成自己的可用的CAD系统

    • 和自己系统中的功能互通和交互

    转载请注明:在路上 » 【整理】freecad简介和移植freecad的大概思路和步骤




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