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Mac crifan 1379浏览 0评论
mac run windows
Run Windows or Windows programs on your Mac
Install Windows 10 on your Mac with Boot Camp Assistant – Apple Support
5 top ways to run Windows on a Mac | Computerworld
parallels desktop 对比 virtualbox 性能
扫盲操作系统虚拟机[3]:虚拟机软件的选择 – 编程随想 – Medium
从这篇测评的发布时间看(Sep 17 2012)算是比较新鲜的。从测评的综合结果看,Parallels Desktop > VMware Fusion 5 > VirtualBox 4。而且 VirtualBox 4 落后较多。
性能上,VirtualBox 在三种系统都不如 VMware;苹果系统上,Parallels 明显占优。虽然 VirtualBox 性能不够好,但它是开源软件,无需花银子。
Windows 的用户,在 VMware Workstation 和 VirtualBox 二选一(Parallels Workstation 用的人太少,明显不给力,不予考虑)。
Mac OS X 的用户,在 Parallels Desktop 和 VirtualBox 二选一(苹果系统的 Parallels Desktop 比 VMware Fusion 好,价格还便宜,于是排除掉 VMware Fusion)。
Linux 的用户,在 VMware Workstation 和 VirtualBox 二选一(如果你是铁杆 Linux 用户,这辈子铁定不用其它 OS 做宿主,或许也可以考虑 KVM 或 Xen)。
Parallels Desktop 和 VirtualBox 相比有哪些优势? – 知乎
“Parallels Desktop 在 Mac OS X 下不论是性能还是体验都比 VirtualBox 强很多。”
macOS平台上的不同虚拟机方案对比如何,Parallels Desktop 是最好的吗? – 知乎
VMVare Fusion和PD差距不大
Parallels Desktop 和 VMware Fusion 哪个更好用? 有别的推荐吗? – 知乎
VMware Fusion和Parallels Desktop哪个更适合开发人员? – 知乎
Parallels Desktop与VirturalBox对比 – 简书
2020年最好的虚拟机软件推荐 – 十佳评测
  • 直接安装
    • Mac中有个BootCamp
      • 官网
      • 优点: Free (Windows licenses are extra); great performance
      • 缺点: Switching requires reboot; compatibility issues; non-intuitive setup
      • 最适合用于: Individual or small groups of users who don’t need to switch between OSs often, or who require maximum performance
      • 相当于启动引导程序,可以安装Windows
        • 安装后,是双系统
          • 启动Mac后选择进入Mac还是Windows
  • 在Mac中使用Windows
    • 如果只是Windows的程序,可以考虑:
      • Wine
      • CrossOver Mac
        • 优点: Simple; small footprint; low cost; no need for Windows licenses
        • 缺点: Supports only some Windows applications; minimal management tools
        • 最适用于: For a relatively small number of users, using a fairly small and well-defined set of Windows apps that have been tested to install and run under CrossOver Mac
    • 如果是整个Windows系统
      • Parallels Desktop
        • 优点: Ease of use; Mac-like UI; management tools
        • 缺点: Cost per seat; subscription-only licensing model (Pro and Business editions)
        • 最适用于: Almost anyone in the 1-to-5,000-seat range, though look closely at VMware Fusion 10 when it arrives
      • VirtualBox
        • 优点: Cheap (or free); active developer community; widely used
        • 缺点: Lags in ease of use, some performance measures and feature set
        • 最适用于: Small, low-budget pilot projects, or large enterprises with strong development teams
      • VMware Fusion:
        • 优势:Incredible range of supported OSs; rock-solid product with substantial support; wide range of enterprise tools
        • 缺点:High cost; capability sometimes matched by complexity
        • 适用于:ull-featured enterprise virtualization in an environment where VMware is already a standard makes Fusion a no-brainer
        • 结论:暂时不用
          • 之前是从X86中虚拟化起家,所以算不上是专门干这事的,估计不够好

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