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C# crifan 5242浏览 0评论



【教程】模拟登陆网站 之 C#版(内含两种版本的完整的可运行的代码)










using System.Net;
using System.Web;

public CookieCollection curCookies = new CookieCollection();

 * following functions are helper functions to handle cookie
 * these functions are extracted from:
 * http://code.google.com/p/crifanlib/source/browse/trunk/csharp/crifanLib.cs
 * detail about crifanLib.cs can refer:
 * https://www.crifan.com/crifan_released_all/crifanlib/
 * */
//add a single cookie to cookies, if already exist, update its value
public void addCookieToCookies(Cookie toAdd, ref CookieCollection cookies, bool overwriteDomain)
    bool found = false;

    if (cookies.Count > 0)
        foreach (Cookie originalCookie in cookies)
            if (originalCookie.Name == toAdd.Name)
                // !!! for different domain, cookie is not same,
                // so should not set the cookie value here while their domains is not same
                // only if it explictly need overwrite domain
                if ((originalCookie.Domain == toAdd.Domain) ||
                    ((originalCookie.Domain != toAdd.Domain) && overwriteDomain))
                    //here can not force convert CookieCollection to HttpCookieCollection,
                    //then use .remove to remove this cookie then add
                    // so no good way to copy all field value
                    originalCookie.Value = toAdd.Value;

                    originalCookie.Domain = toAdd.Domain;

                    originalCookie.Expires = toAdd.Expires;
                    originalCookie.Version = toAdd.Version;
                    originalCookie.Path = toAdd.Path;

                    //following fields seems should not change
                    //originalCookie.HttpOnly = toAdd.HttpOnly;
                    //originalCookie.Secure = toAdd.Secure;

                    found = true;

    if (!found)
        if (toAdd.Domain != "")
            // if add the null domain, will lead to follow req.CookieContainer.Add(cookies) failed !!!


//add singel cookie to cookies, default no overwrite domain
public void addCookieToCookies(Cookie toAdd, ref CookieCollection cookies)
    addCookieToCookies(toAdd, ref cookies, false);

//check whether the cookies contains the ckToCheck cookie
//ckTocheck is Cookie/string
//cookies is Cookie/string/CookieCollection/string[]
public bool isContainCookie(object ckToCheck, object cookies)
    bool isContain = false;

    if ((ckToCheck != null) && (cookies != null))
        string ckName = "";
        Type type = ckToCheck.GetType();

        //string typeStr = ckType.ToString();

        //if (ckType.FullName == "System.string")
        if (type.Name.ToLower() == "string")
            ckName = (string)ckToCheck;
        else if (type.Name == "Cookie")
            ckName = ((Cookie)ckToCheck).Name;

        if (ckName != "")
            type = cookies.GetType();

            // is single Cookie
            if (type.Name == "Cookie")
                if (ckName == ((Cookie)cookies).Name)
                    isContain = true;
            // is CookieCollection
            else if (type.Name == "CookieCollection")
                foreach (Cookie ck in (CookieCollection)cookies)
                    if (ckName == ck.Name)
                        isContain = true;
            // is single cookie name string
            else if (type.Name.ToLower() == "string")
                if (ckName == (string)cookies)
                    isContain = true;
            // is cookie name string[]
            else if (type.Name.ToLower() == "string[]")
                foreach (string name in ((string[])cookies))
                    if (ckName == name)
                        isContain = true;

    return isContain;

// update cookiesToUpdate to localCookies
// if omitUpdateCookies designated, then omit cookies of omitUpdateCookies in cookiesToUpdate
public void updateLocalCookies(CookieCollection cookiesToUpdate, ref CookieCollection localCookies, object omitUpdateCookies)
    if (cookiesToUpdate.Count > 0)
        if (localCookies == null)
            localCookies = cookiesToUpdate;
            foreach (Cookie newCookie in cookiesToUpdate)
                if (isContainCookie(newCookie, omitUpdateCookies))
                    // need omit process this
                    addCookieToCookies(newCookie, ref localCookies);

//update cookiesToUpdate to localCookies
public void updateLocalCookies(CookieCollection cookiesToUpdate, ref CookieCollection localCookies)
    updateLocalCookies(cookiesToUpdate, ref localCookies, null);


 * 1. following code is to demo how to auto handle cookie
 * 2. for full code, can found at: 
 * function: _getUrlResponse in:
 * http://code.google.com/p/crifanlib/source/browse/trunk/csharp/crifanLib.cs
public HttpWebResponse getUrlResponse(string url, ......)
    //here just make it simple for demo how to auto handle cookie
    //here shoud init http request
    //code like this:
    //HttpWebResponse resp = null;
    //HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
    //then added necessary parameter setting, like accept, auto redirect, ...

    if (curCookies != null)
        req.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
        req.CookieContainer.PerDomainCapacity = 40; // following will exceed max default 20 cookie per domain

    //do what you want to to get http response
    //that is some thing like:
    //resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();

    //update latest cookie into current cookie
    updateLocalCookies(resp.Cookies, ref curCookies);
    //then do something like, get response stream, ....





转载请注明:在路上 » 【整理】C#中如何自动处理cookie




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