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【整理】字幕 小毛怪 Humf

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小毛怪 Humf
《小毛怪 Humf》由英国尼克公司制作出品,是继《粉红猪小妹》之后又一个非常棒的动画片,语言难度比粉猪要难一些,尤其是旁白的句子,有些是很复杂的复合句。Humf是非常漂亮的英音,尤其Humf的口音,非常纯正清晰。每集7分钟左右,共3季48集。Humf是一只毛茸茸的小怪物,他矮矮胖胖的紫色身体非常可爱。
小毛怪 Humf 字幕
Humf 字幕
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Humf’s Shadow
Section 1:at home
Narrator:One day Humf’s on the floor playing with his dinosaurs.
Humf:Come on, you do know Mr.Parade.
Narrator:But his dad had another idea.
Dad:It’s such a sunny day.Why don’t we go to the park?

Section 2:the way to the park and in the park
Narrator:So Humf and his dad set off to the park.
Narrator:And the sun was shinning in the sky.By the time they got to the park,it wasn’t sunny any more.
Dad:Oh,dear.Maybe I should bought an umbrella.
Humf:I want an umbrella.
Narrator:And then, it turned sunny again.
Humf:Silly dad!
Narrator:Humf looked for his friends.But they weren’t in the park today.Humf didn’t  mind. Sometimes he liked to play on his own. And the sun was playing too.Sometimes
it shone, sometimes it hid(hide的过去式) behind the cloud,and them peeked(vi. 窥视,偷看) out again.And then Humf noticed something else.
Humf:Wow,shadow! Hello,shadow.
Narrator: Humf’s shadow was a funny thing. It liked to follow Humf around,and copy everything he did.Hehehehahaha…Silly you(?),you can do this. Humf says: Shake your hands,bow(?).Look,dad, this is my shadow, see?
Dadooks like he is copying you again.
Narrator:Humf liked his shadow. But then the sun hid behind the cloud again.And when Humf looked down, his shadow was gone.
Humf:Shadow,shadow, where have you gone.
Narrator:Humf looked all around the park but he couldn’t find his shadow anywhere.
Dad:I think it’s time to go home now,Humf.
Humf:But I can’t find my shadow.
Dad:It’s cloudy now,and looks like it’s going to rain.
Narrator:Humf was worried about his shadow.
Humf:Will my shadow be OK all alone in the park?
Narrator:But dad didn’t answer,because it started to rain.Humf’s dad hadn’t bought an umbrella, so he used his newspaper instead. Humf had not bought an umbrella either, so he used newspaper for umbrella, too.
Humf:I hope my shadow has a newspaper to keep it dry.

Section 3:at home
Narrator:Back at home,Humf looked out of the window.He wondered where shadows go when it rains.Humf was very quiet and teatime,he was thinking about his shadow. He wondered what shadows like to eat. After tea, Humf got ready for bed. He  chose a bed-time story and waited for his  dad to come and read it to him. But when he turned on the bed-side light, he had surprised.
Humf:The shadow,haha, you did come home all through(一直,始终).
Dad:Hello,Humf, are you ready for a bed-time story?
Humf:Yes.Look! My shadow are here for a bed-time story, too.
Narrator:And then Humf noticed a even bigger shadow on the wall.
Humf:Dad,your shadow come here too.
Dad:Haha. It did.
Narrator:So dad read Humf a bed-time story.
Dad:Once upon a time,there was a little green bus then left the country(?).
Narrator:And dad’s shadow read Humf’s shadow a story too.
Dad:And travelled from town to town picking up all the people,and then the little bus went back the bus garage(车库) and went to sleep.
Narrator:And when the story was finished, Humf kissed his dad goodnight.
Dad:Good night,Humf.
Narrator:And Humf’s shadow kissed dad’s shadow too.
Humf:Good night,dad. Good night,shadow.Shadow, are you there? (Humf turned on the light)Oh,sorry,I didn’t mean to wake you up, but  I couldn’t see you in the dark.I’ll turned out the light if you gonna to sleep.(Humf turned out the light.)Good night!
So Humf and his dad set off to the park
Humf – 01 Humfs Shadow (full episode) with English subtitles (closed captions) and transcript
Humf – Compilation 1 with English subtitles (closed captions) and transcript
Humf – Humf Goes To The Park With His Dad (short) – YouTube
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