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【歌曲推荐】Stop Crying Your Heart Out – Oasis

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【歌曲推荐】Stop Crying Your Heart Out – Oasis




Stop Crying Your Heart Out









Stop Crying Your Heart Out是《蝴蝶效应》片尾曲,据说这首歌是绿洲为英国足球队出征世界杯失败而作的安慰曲,这也是绿洲少有的几首旋律优美却十分伤感的歌曲,还被选为十大英伦伤感歌曲。
Oasis 是近十年来英国最受欢迎和最受评论家承认的乐队之一;他们在将英国的guitar-pop 推向顶峰的过程中起了不小的作用。这个来自曼彻斯特的演唱组沿袭了 Stones 和 the Who 的粗糙灰暗的形象,融合了 Beatles 的曲调并带有明显的英国抒情色彩的主题。他们将这一切用吉他的吼叫声串起来。而他们的挑衅式的讥笑可以和 Pistols 的叛逆与 Stone Rose 的傲慢自大媲美。



Stop Crying Your Heart Out – Oasis

Hold up
Hold on
Don’t be scared
You’ll never change what’s been and gone
May your smile (may your smile)
Shine on (shine on)
Shine on (shine on)
Don’t be scared (don’t be scared)
Don’t be scared (don’t be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm
Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You’ll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Get up (get up)
Get up (get up)
Come on (come on)
Come on (come on)
Why’re you scared? (I’m not scared)
Why’re you scared? (I’m not scared)
You’ll never change
What’s been and gone
Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You’ll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Cos all of the stars
Are fading away
Just try not to worry
You’ll see them some day
Take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
We’re all of us stars
We’re fading away
Just try not to worry
You’ll see us some day
Just take what you need
And be on your way
And stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out
Stop crying your heart out


Stop Crying Your Heart Out – Oasis 【MP3】


Stop Crying Your Heart Out – Oasis 【WMA】


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