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crifan/crifan_ebook_readme: Crifan的电子书的使用说明
# Function: download all crifan ebook files
# Author: Crifan Li
# Update: 20201212
# Latest: https://github.com/crifan/crifan_ebook_readme/blob/master/downloadAllBooks.py

import os
import codecs
import re
import requests
import time

# Config

OutputFolder = os.path.join("downloaded", "pdf")
# 'downloaded/pdf'

RequestsProxies = {
    "http"  : "",
    "https" : "",
# Util Functions

def createFolder(folderFullPath):
        create folder, even if already existed
        Note: for Python 3.2+
    os.makedirs(folderFullPath, exist_ok=True)

def loadTextFromFile(fullFilename, fileEncoding="utf-8"):
    """load file text content from file"""
    with codecs.open(fullFilename, 'r', encoding=fileEncoding) as fp:
        allText = fp.read()
        # logging.debug("Complete load text from %s", fullFilename)
        return allText

def isFileExistAndValid(filePath, fullFileSize=None):
    """Check file exist and valid or not

        filePath (str): file path
        fullFileSize (int): full file size
        existed and valid (bool)
    isExistFile = os.path.isfile(filePath)
    isValidFile = False
    if isExistFile:
        curFileSize = os.path.getsize(filePath) # 260900226
        if fullFileSize:
            isValidFile = curFileSize == fullFileSize
            isValidFile = curFileSize > 0
    isExistAndValid = isExistFile and isValidFile
    return isExistAndValid

def floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(floatSeconds):
        convert float seconds(time delta) to datetime dict{days, hours, minutes, seconds, millseconds, microseconds}

        example: 96400.3765293 -> {'days': 1, 'hours': 2, 'minutes': 46, 'seconds': 40, 'millseconds': 376, 'microseconds': 529}
    secondsInt = int(floatSeconds)
    decimalsFloat = floatSeconds - secondsInt
    millisecondsFloat = decimalsFloat * 1000
    millisecondsInt = int(millisecondsFloat)
    microsecondsDecimal = millisecondsFloat - millisecondsInt
    microsecondsInt = int(microsecondsDecimal * 1000)

    minutes, seconds = divmod(secondsInt, 60)
    hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
    days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)

    convertedDict = {
        "days": days,
        "hours": hours,
        "minutes": minutes,
        "seconds": seconds,
        "millseconds": millisecondsInt,
        "microseconds": microsecondsInt,

    return convertedDict

def datetimeDictToStr(datetimeDict,
        seperatorD=" ",
    """Convert date time dict into date time string
        datetimeDict (dict): date time dict
        seperatorD (str): day seperator
        seperatorHms (str): hour/minute/second seperator
        seperatorMilliS (str): milli seconds seperator
        isShowZeroDayStr (bool): whether show days string when days=0
        isShowMilliSecPart (bool): whether show milli seconds part
            {'days': 0, 'hours': 0, 'microseconds': 986, 'millseconds': 804, 'minutes': 3, 'seconds': 38}
            {'hours': 0, minutes': 3, 'seconds': 38}
            '0 00:03:38.804'
    dayStr = ""
    hasDays = "days" in datetimeDict
    if hasDays:
        days = datetimeDict["days"]
        if (not isShowZeroDayStr) and (days == 0):
            dayStr = ""
            dayStr = "%d%s" % (days, seperatorD)
    hmsStr = "%02d%s%02d%s%02d" % (datetimeDict["hours"], seperatorHms, datetimeDict["minutes"], seperatorHms, datetimeDict["seconds"]) # '00:03:12'

    milliSecStr = ""
    hasMilliSec = "millseconds" in datetimeDict
    if hasMilliSec:
        if isShowMilliSecPart:
            milliSecStr = "%s%03d" % (seperatorMilliS, datetimeDict["millseconds"])

    formattedStr = "%s%s%s" % (dayStr, hmsStr, milliSecStr) # '00:03:12'
    return formattedStr

def formatSize(sizeInBytes, decimalNum=1, isUnitWithI=False, sizeUnitSeperator=""):
    format size to human readable string

        3746 -> 3.7KB
        87533 -> 85.5KiB
        98654 -> 96.3 KB
        352 -> 352.0B
        76383285 -> 72.84MB
        763832854988542 -> 694.70TB
        763832854988542665 -> 678.4199PB

    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix#Specific_units_of_IEC_60027-2_A.2_and_ISO.2FIEC_80000
    # K=kilo, M=mega, G=giga, T=tera, P=peta, E=exa, Z=zetta, Y=yotta
    sizeUnitList = ['','K','M','G','T','P','E','Z']
    largestUnit = 'Y'

    if isUnitWithI:
        sizeUnitListWithI = []

        for curIdx, eachUnit in enumerate(sizeUnitList):
            unitWithI = eachUnit
            if curIdx >= 1:
                unitWithI += 'i'


        # sizeUnitListWithI = ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']
        sizeUnitList = sizeUnitListWithI

        largestUnit += 'i'

    suffix = "B"
    decimalFormat = "." + str(decimalNum) + "f" # ".1f"
    finalFormat = "%" + decimalFormat + sizeUnitSeperator + "%s%s" # "%.1f%s%s"
    sizeNum = sizeInBytes
    for sizeUnit in sizeUnitList:
        if abs(sizeNum) < 1024.0:
            return finalFormat % (sizeNum, sizeUnit, suffix)
        sizeNum /= 1024.0
    return finalFormat % (sizeNum, largestUnit, suffix)

def getFileSizeFromUrl(fileUrl, proxies=None):
    """Get file size from file url

        fileUrl (str): file url
        proxies (dict): requests proxies
        file size or 0 mean fail to get
        input: https://gameapktxdl.vivo.com.cn/appstore/developer/soft/20201020/202010201805243ed5v.apk
        output: 154551625
    totalFileSize = None

        resp = requests.get(fileUrl, stream=True, proxies=proxies)
        respHeaders = resp.headers
        # {'Date': 'Thu, 10 Dec 2020 05:27:10 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.android.package-archive', 'Content-Length': '154551625', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Server': 'NWS_TCloud_static_msoc1_xz', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=600', 'Expires': 'Thu, 10 Dec 2020 05:37:09 GMT', 'Last-Modified': 'Thu, 09 Jan 2020 11:21:35 GMT', 'X-NWS-UUID-VERIFY': '94db2d14f135898d924fb249b13a0964', 'X-Verify-Code': '2871bd7acf67c7e298e9c8d8c865e27d', 'X-NWS-LOG-UUID': 'a83536f2-ab83-465d-ba09-0e19a15cc706', 'X-Cache-Lookup': 'Hit From Disktank3, Hit From Inner Cluster', 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'ETag': '"46C50A5CADB6BEE339236477BB6DDC14"', 'X-Daa-Tunnel': 'hop_count=2'}
        # {'Server': 'Tengine', 'Date': 'Fri, 11 Dec 2020 14:11:00 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', 'Content-Length': '24422168', 'Last-Modified': 'Fri, 18 Sep 2020 09:56:15 GMT', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'ETag': '"5f64843f-174a718"', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=15768000', 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes'}
        contentLengthStr = respHeaders['Content-Length'] # '154551625', '24422168'
        contentLengthInt = int(contentLengthStr) # 154551625, 24422168
        totalFileSize = contentLengthInt
        totalFileSize = None

    return totalFileSize # 154551625

def streamingDownloadFile(
    """Download file using stream mode, support showing process with current speed, percent, size

        url (str): file online url
        fileToSave (str): filename or full file path
        proxies (dict): requests proxies
        isShowSpeed (bool): show downloading speed or not
        chunkSize (int): when showing download speed, need use stream downloading, need set chunck size
        resumeSize (bool): the size to start download, normally is the local already downloaded size
        totalSize (int): total file size, only used for calculate downloaded percent
        download ok or not (bool)
    isDownloadOk = False

    if isShowSpeed:
        if totalSize == 0:
            gotTotalSize = getFileSizeFromUrl(url, proxies) # 154551625
            if gotTotalSize:
                totalSize = gotTotalSize

    headers = {
        'Range': 'bytes=%d-' % resumeSize,
        # "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.81 Safari/537.36",
    resp = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, headers=headers, stream=True)
    curDownloadedSize = 0
    with open(fileToSave, "ab") as f:
        startTime = time.time()
        prevTime = startTime
        for curChunkBytes in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=chunkSize):
            if curChunkBytes:
                curTime = time.time() # 1606456020.0718982

                curChunkSize = len(curChunkBytes) # 524288
                curDownloadedSize += curChunkSize # 524288
                totalDownloadedSize = curDownloadedSize + resumeSize # 12058624
                totalDownloadedSizeStr = formatSize(totalDownloadedSize) # '11.5MB'

                curDownloadTime = curTime - prevTime # 15.63818907737732
                curSpeed = curChunkSize / curDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                curSpeedStr = formatSize(curSpeed) # '231.3KB'

                totalDownloadTime = curTime - startTime # 15.63818907737732
                averageSpeed = curDownloadedSize / totalDownloadTime # 670522.651191692
                averageSpeedStr = formatSize(averageSpeed) # '231.3KB'

                totalDownloadTimeDict = floatSecondsToDatetimeDict(totalDownloadTime)
                totalDownloadTimeStr = datetimeDictToStr(totalDownloadTimeDict, isShowMilliSecPart=False)

                if isShowSpeed:
                    showStr = "downloading speed: cur=%s/s, avg=%s/s, time: total=%s, size: %s" % (curSpeedStr, averageSpeedStr, totalDownloadTimeStr, totalDownloadedSizeStr)

                    if totalSize > 0:
                        downloadedPercent100 = round(100 * totalDownloadedSize / totalSize, 2) # 47.23
                        downloadedPercent100Str = str(downloadedPercent100) # '47.23'
                        percentStr = ", percent: %s%%" % downloadedPercent100Str # ', percent: 47.23%'
                        percentStr = ""

                    showStr += percentStr
                    # 'downloading speed: cur=231.3KB/s, avg=231.3KB/s, time: total=00:00:02, size: 11.5MB, percent: 49.38%'

                prevTime = curTime

    return isDownloadOk

def downloadFile(url,
    """Download file from url then save to file

        url (str): file online url
        fileToSave (str): filename or full file path
        proxies (dict): requests proxies
        isStreamMode (bool): use stream mode or not
        download ok or not (bool)
    isDownloadOk = False

    if not fileToSave:
        urlPartList = url.split("/")
        fileToSave = urlPartList[-1]

        if isStreamMode:
            totalFileSize = getFileSizeFromUrl(url, proxies) # 154551625
            if not totalFileSize:
                print("Failed to get total file size from %s" % url)
                return isDownloadOk

            totalSizeStr = formatSize(totalFileSize)
            print("Get total file size %s from %s" % (totalSizeStr, url))

            isDownloadedAndValid = isFileExistAndValid(fileToSave, fullFileSize=totalFileSize)
            if isDownloadedAndValid:
                print("%s is already download" % fileToSave)
                isDownloadOk = True
                return isDownloadOk

            curDownloadedSize = 0
            isExistFile = os.path.isfile(fileToSave)
            if isExistFile:
              curDownloadedSize = os.path.getsize(fileToSave)
              curDownloadedSizeStr = formatSize(curDownloadedSize)
              print("Already downloaded %s for %s" % (curDownloadedSizeStr, fileToSave))

              if curDownloadedSize > totalFileSize:
                  # possible is local is new version, so consider as downloaded
                  print("Downloaded=%s > online=%s, consider as downloaded" % (curDownloadedSizeStr, totalSizeStr))
                  isDownloadOk = True
                  return isDownloadOk

            if not isResume:
                curDownloadedSize = 0

            isDownloadOk = streamingDownloadFile(
            resp = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)
            with open(fileToSave, 'wb') as saveFp:
                isDownloadOk = True
    except BaseException as curException:
        print("Exception %s when download %s to %s" % (curException, url, fileToSave))

    return isDownloadOk

# Const & Config & Settings

InputMdFile = "README.md"

# Main

mdStr = loadTextFromFile(InputMdFile)
# print("mdStr=%s" % mdStr)

allPdfUrlList = []

# * [Notepad++](https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/rec_soft_npp/release/html/rec_soft_npp.html)
# * [硬件电路基础知识](https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/hardware_basic/release/html/hardware_basic.html)
# allDocbookIter = re.finditer("https?://www\.crifan\.com/files/doc/docbook/(?P<bookName>\w+)/release/", mdStr)
# <callable_iterator object at 0x1094acfd0>
# allDocbookList = list(allDocbookIter)
# [<re.Match object; sp...soft_dev_>, <re.Match object; sp...rec_soft_>, <re.Match object; sp...programmi>, <re.Match object; sp...language_>, <re.Match object; sp...json_tuto>, <re.Match object; sp...char_enco>, <re.Match object; sp...char_enco>, <re.Match object; sp...python_to>, <re.Match object; sp...regular_e>, <re.Match object; sp...python_to>, <re.Match object; sp...csharp_su>, <re.Match object; sp...build_web>, <re.Match object; sp...website_t>, <re.Match object; sp...web_scrap>, ...]

# allDocbookList = re.findall("https?://www\.crifan\.com/files/doc/docbook/\w+/release/", mdStr)
allDocbookNameList = re.findall("https?://www\.crifan\.com/files/doc/docbook/(\w+)/release/", mdStr)
# ['char_encoding_usage', 'crifanlib_python', ...]
docbookTotalNum = len(allDocbookNameList)
print("docbookTotalNum=%s" % docbookTotalNum) # 113
uniqueDocbookNameSet = set(allDocbookNameList)
uniqueDocbookNameList = list(uniqueDocbookNameSet)
uniqueDocbookTotalNum = len(uniqueDocbookNameList)
print("uniqueDocbookTotalNum=%s" % uniqueDocbookTotalNum) # 56

for curIdx, eachDocbookName in enumerate(uniqueDocbookNameList):
  curNum = curIdx + 1
  curDocbookPdfUrl = "https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/%s/release/pdf/%s.pdf" % (eachDocbookName, eachDocbookName)
  # print("[%d] curDocbookPdfUrl=%s" % (curNum, curDocbookPdfUrl))
  # https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/rec_soft_npp/release/pdf/rec_soft_npp.pdf
  # https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/soft_dev_basic/release/pdf/soft_dev_basic.pdf

# * [风格](https://book.crifan.com/books/program_code_style/website)
# * [VSCode](http://book.crifan.com/books/best_editor_vscode/website)
allGitbookNameList = re.findall("https?://book\.crifan\.com/books/(\w+)/website", mdStr)
gitbooNameTotalNum = len(allGitbookNameList)
print("gitbooNameTotalNum=%s" % gitbooNameTotalNum) # 139
uniqueGitbookNameSet = set(allGitbookNameList)
uniqueGitbookNameList = list(uniqueGitbookNameSet)
uniqueGitbookNameTotalNum = len(uniqueGitbookNameList)
print("uniqueGitbookNameTotalNum=%s" % uniqueGitbookNameTotalNum) # 71

for curIdx, eachGitbookName in enumerate(uniqueGitbookNameList):
  curNum = curIdx + 1
  curGitbookPdfUrl = "https://book.crifan.com/books/%s/pdf/%s.pdf" % (eachGitbookName, eachGitbookName)
  # print("[%d] curGitbookPdfUrl=%s" % (curNum, curGitbookPdfUrl))
  # https://book.crifan.com/books/best_editor_vscode/pdf/best_editor_vscode.pdf
  # https://book.crifan.com/books/scientific_network_summary/pdf/scientific_network_summary.pdf


pdfUrlTotalNum = len(allPdfUrlList)
print("pdfUrlTotalNum=%s" % pdfUrlTotalNum) # 127

# download all pdf url
for curUrlIdx, eachPdfUrl in enumerate(allPdfUrlList):
  curUrlNum = curUrlIdx + 1
  # 'https://book.crifan.com/books/5g_message_rcs_tech_summary/pdf/5g_message_rcs_tech_summary.pdf'
  pdfFilename = eachPdfUrl.split("/")[-1]
  # '5g_message_rcs_tech_summary.pdf'
  print("%s [%2d/%2d] %s %s" % ("-"*30, curUrlNum, pdfUrlTotalNum, pdfFilename ,"-"*30))
  print("%s" % eachPdfUrl)
  downloadedFilePath = os.path.join(OutputFolder, pdfFilename)
  isDownloadOk = downloadFile(eachPdfUrl, downloadedFilePath, proxies=RequestsProxies)
  print("%s to downloaded %s from %s" % (isDownloadOk, pdfFilename, eachPdfUrl))
------------------------------ [125/127] vmware_tutorial.pdf ------------------------------
Get total file size 248.2KB from https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/vmware_tutorial/release/pdf/vmware_tutorial.pdf
downloaded/pdf/vmware_tutorial.pdf is already download
True to downloaded vmware_tutorial.pdf from https://www.crifan.com/files/doc/docbook/vmware_tutorial/release/pdf/vmware_tutorial.pdf
------------------------------ [66/127] test_automation_overview.pdf ------------------------------
Failed to get total file size from https://book.crifan.com/books/test_automation_overview/pdf/test_automation_overview.pdf
False to downloaded test_automation_overview.pdf from https://book.crifan.com/books/test_automation_overview/pdf/test_automation_overview.pdf
------------------------------ [ 1/127] 5g_message_rcs_tech_summary.pdf ------------------------------
Get total file size 23.3MB from https://book.crifan.com/books/5g_message_rcs_tech_summary/pdf/5g_message_rcs_tech_summary.pdf
Already downloaded 11.5MB for downloaded/pdf/5g_message_rcs_tech_summary.pdf
downloading speed: cur=554.6KB/s, avg=554.6KB/s, time: total=00:00:00, size: 12.0MB, percent: 51.52%
downloading speed: cur=847.2KB/s, avg=670.4KB/s, time: total=00:00:01, size: 12.5MB, percent: 53.67%
downloading speed: cur=146.5KB/s, avg=351.5KB/s, time: total=00:00:33, size: 23.0MB, percent: 98.75%
downloading speed: cur=118.6KB/s, avg=335.3KB/s, time: total=00:00:36, size: 23.3MB, percent: 100.0%
False to downloaded 5g_message_rcs_tech_summary.pdf from https://book.crifan.com/books/5g_message_rcs_tech_summary/pdf/5g_message_rcs_tech_summary.pdf

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