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【已解决】Flask的REST API添加支持POST时body中分块传输二进制数据

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How to Chunked Transfer Audio Stream | Microsoft Docs


chunked transfer encoding

关于:Transfer-Encoding: chunked


How to Chunked Transfer Audio Stream | Microsoft Docs

send the audio as one whole chunk or to chop the audio into small chunks

For efficient audio streaming and reducing transcription latency, it is recommended that you use chunked transfer encoding to stream the audio to the service.

Chunked transfer encoding – Wikipedia

分块传输编码 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书

flask rest post

Quickstart — Flask-RESTful 0.2.1 documentation

快速入门 — Flask-RESTful 0.3.1 documentation

flask-restful接收post传参 – CSDN博客

Flask RESTful API 开发—-基础篇 (1)

flask rest post binary chunk data

Streaming input and output in Flask · blog

How to upload binary file using PUT? · Issue #1266 · requests/requests

Uploading Files — Flask 1.0.2 documentation

rest – Python POST binary data – Stack Overflow

python – ReSTfully upload file in Flask without multipart/form-data – Stack Overflow

Python Requests库:HTTP for Humans – 再见紫罗兰 – 博客园

Working with Multipart — aiohttp 3.3.2 documentation

flask post receive binary data

[译] 使用 Flask 实现 RESTful API – 阅读 – 掘金

使用 Python & Flask 实现 RESTful Web API – 简书

writing python request using “post” to flask server as binary file – Stack Overflow

python – How to get data received in Flask request – Stack Overflow



<code>* data – The request body, either as a string or a dict of form keys and values.


“* request.files: the files in the body, which Flask keeps separate from form. HTML forms must use enctype=multipart/form-data or files will not be uploaded.”




MultiDict object containing all uploaded files. Each key in files is the name from the <input type=”file”name=””>. Each value in files is a Werkzeug FileStorage object.

It basically behaves like a standard file object you know from Python, with the difference that it also has a save()function that can store the file on the filesystem.

Note that files will only contain data if the request method was POST, PUT or PATCH and the <form> that posted to the request had enctype=”multipart/form-data”. It will be empty otherwise.

See the MultiDict / FileStorage documentation for more details about the used data structure.



“get_data(cache=True, as_text=False, parse_form_data=False)

This reads the buffered incoming data from the client into one bytestring. By default this is cached but that behavior can be changed by setting cache to False.

Usually it’s a bad idea to call this method without checking the content length first as a client could send dozens of megabytes or more to cause memory problems on the server.

Note that if the form data was already parsed this method will not return anything as form data parsing does not cache the data like this method does. To implicitly invoke form data parsing function set parse_form_data to True. When this is done the return value of this method will be an empty string if the form parser handles the data. This generally is not necessary as if the whole data is cached (which is the default) the form parser will used the cached data to parse the form data. Please be generally aware of checking the content length first in any case before calling this method to avoid exhausting server memory.

If as_text is set to True the return value will be a decoded unicode string.”


且如果form data已经被解析了,此处get_data就返回空了



<code>len = request.headers["Content-Length"]


python – How to get the request body bytes in Flask? – Stack Overflow

flask post transfer-encoding chunked

support for HTTP/1.1 Transfer-Encoding: chunked · Issue #367 · pallets/flask

Stream Proxy with Requests | Flask (A Python Microframework)

Clarifications on request size limits and setting max request body size · Issue #1659 · benoitc/gunicorn


反正看起来是和:uWSGI 有关

Document which servers support wsgi.input_terminated · Issue #2547 · pallets/flask

Chunked uploads missing body data. · Issue #2229 · pallets/flask

python – Flask and Transfer-Encoding: chunked – Stack Overflow

Get raw POST body in Python Flask regardless of Content-Type header – Stack Overflow



python – Content-Length returned in headers for chunked transfer encoding with nginx, uwsgi and flask – Stack Overflow

python – Getting Flask to accept chunked encoding – Stack Overflow

Python and Chunked transfer encoding – David Jetelina – Medium

“ flask.request.data was empty, because the content-type wasn’t known to it”


HTTP1.1 chunked transfer not supported · Issue #1428 · unbit/uwsgi

flask 源码解析:响应 – cizixs 技术笔记 – SegmentFault 思否

Flask Tutorial – Step By Step > First Steps > Introduction to HTTP

Transfer-Encoding: chunked



【已解决】REST工具支持POST发送Transfer-Encoding chunked的二进制数据

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